Friday, June 8, 2018

Purple  Echinacea's are not one of my favorite flowers But this plant is chest high so it deserves special mention.  In the south bed.
 Pretty more to come looking at the buds.

 One orange tips and one yellow tips.
 These must be a double bloomer.  The above 4 photos are flowers in the south bathtub.
Three plants one bloom.  In the zinnia bed.
Today I planted a few more plants in the south bed by the house.  Tom worked on Spaghetti squash seeds, bell pepper plants & he put pavers in the bottom of the kids playhouse.  Not sure what else he did because I didn't go out where he was working.
We have hired Stephen Parker (no relation to Donny) to work a few hours a week this summer.  He worked (I did some supervising) on digging out the grass on the north side of the big arch.  Stephen also pounded in a few fence stakes for Tom today.  Stephen & I cut out some of the dead grape vines.  I can't think of the name of the plant right now that I want to plant out there on the arbor/arch.  The name will come to me when I don't need it.
Anyway vegetable garden is coming along and so are the flower beds.  Lots of work.  I am having to be careful because of bottoming out on my blood sugars.  But I'm really enjoying myself.  Too much hot sweaty work.  LOL

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