Wednesday, June 13, 2018

I have a blister in the palm of my left hand.  The first one this year.  I'm working on a new bed, stupid me, on the north side of the arbor.  I trimmed the few grape vines that are still there and have a few plants to put in there.  I started the bed for a wisteria plant that I bought a couple of weeks ago.  Joyce has already planted the wisteria that I bought for her.  A new bed requires digging around the outside of the area and laying leveled bricks where I have dug.  Most of the dirt needs to be removed from the bed also.  I have 6 bags of garden soil, hope it is enough.  Anyway pictures to follow later.
Ayvah and Malachi are here today.  So I'm not being a good Nana.  Too busy working on gardening.  I overheat easily and then I become crankier than usual.  We didn't eat breakfast until 10am so that gives us a while before we need lunch.  Thanks Tom for fixing waffles for us to eat.
Stephen was here this morning to work but I have to have him redo the pulling of weeds from under the tomato plants.  He is a good worker and will do almost anything that we ask him to do.  But he has to be supervised all the time.  Gardening is hard work and its no fun to redo what someone has already supposedly done.  Enough griping.
It's cooler outside today than it has been but by 12:30 we were ready to come in out of the heat.  This will be the year that we remember where the weather went from winter to 90 degree weather.  We didn't really get a spring time this year.
Ayvah and Malachi are in the living room taking to Papa about knee caps.  Must be time to take my shower and spend some quality time with them.

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