Wednesday, June 27, 2018

 I love the laciness of this lily.

 This lily is actually orange.  Near the redneck pond.

I tried to only have one of each color but I duplicated 2.  So 9 different colors and not all of my daylilies are blooming yet.  I get so excited with each new color and where I planted the lily.
Today watered the south and west beds next to the house.  Today's temperature is suppose to be in the high nineties.  Tomorrow over 100.  Too hot for the end of June.
I also weeded a strip of the vegetable garden and mowed on the rider.  Didn't accomplish much today but I was outside for a couple of hours.
Steven mowed around flower beds in the front and the south bed also.  Then he and Tom put up the pool.  We didn't put up the pool last year But I think that I'll use it this year if we continue to have this hot weather.
I sewed for a couple days this week.  I was trying to finish the mystery quilt from Overbrook class that Julie and I took in May.  I'm almost done with the rows, there are 9 and then I need to sew the rows together and then there are 3 borders.  Still hours of work to do.  Tonight is quilt guild.  I don't have anything new to share.
We visited Mom on Sunday.  We usually do.  Leland goes to church with us and then he asks whose turn it is to chose where we will eat.  And he reminds us that we visit Grammy after lunch.  Mom greeted Leland when we went in her room but she didn't really converse with us on Sunday.  Sunday's become a long day for us.  Took Leland home after 3 and then we went back to church at 6:30.  Pastor Don shared pictures, etc of his trip to Cuba.  We are so financially blessed.  There is a lot of poverty in Cuba But Don shared their strong faith in the Lord Jesus.

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