Saturday, June 9, 2018

 2 pictures of the south bathtub.  Not quite fully in bloom.  Late afternoon.  May try for a better picture later.  The wind and heat has knock a lot of bathtub lilies over this year.
 This is called "Ruby Spider".  I bought one from Lowes last year and it didn't make it.  So now I've bought another ($13).  Put it in the south bed.  The blooms are as big as my hand.  Just so beautiful that I couldn't resist.

South bed, south part of the bed.  So pretty.

Today, I finished the bed with the small arch. I only had one small corner to finish it.  Moved a couple of plants around, divided a lily from the big arch and put it in this bed, cypress mulched and water.  Guess I should have taken a picture if this is my plant diary (lol).  Planted my Lowes red daylily. Weeded a few pepper plants in the garden.  Wow, that doesn't sound like very much work.  Stephen worked on the big arch today.  Still some work to do out there but the ground is really dry.  Watered the big arch so hopefully on Monday it will be ready to work on.  Making a small bed on the north side of the arch for the wisteria plant.  The plant name that I couldn't come up with yesterday.  Leland was here and helped some.  We really need RAIN.

I haven't been talking about quilting because I haven't been sewing.  Using all my energy outside right now.

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