Saturday, December 26, 2015

Here I am again trying to figure out how to post pictures and comments.  Someplace in here I have 2 pictures that I couldn't add comments to.  Eventually I'll find them and delete them.
I had a great Christmas.  I had my doubts a few weeks ago.  I was suffering from a big funk that I didn't have the ability to get over.  Lots of prayer & lots of crying.  I think that my turning point came when I dragged the Christmas tree up from the basement on a Monday night.  The next day I was at Josh & Katie's and when I came home Tom had decorated the tree.  Thank you Tom. 
On Sunday before Christmas I contacted 3 sons to let them know that they were welcome to come to Christmas Eve service with us (Jeremy is the only one who went) and that after we got home that we would have our traditional Christmas time with them.  So thankful that all 4 sons were here.  Katie was missed by all.  Young Katy's boyfriend Bryan came & Danny was here also.  Lots of coffee was consumed.  And Leland spent special time with Uncles Jeremy & Josh playing in the living room. 
God made families and I am so thankful for mine.
If I can get them posted I have 2 pictures of gifts from Phill & JoAnn.  A Beautiful memory book of Billy.  And a picture of 1 of the 4 bricks that Phill & Leland made.  I never dreamed that Phill would become so creative.  Homemade gifts are the best.  (Note to self - today is the day to start for next year).

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Sister in law, Lisa died on December 16, 2015.  She will be missed by all.  Her memorial service was on Sunday the 20th and an overflow crowd of family and friends came to say goodbye.  So glad that she made a last trip to Burlingame to visit with our family a couple of weeks before her death.  Always her positive self she was dealing with her upcoming death.  A strong woman to the end who knew that she would be welcomed into the arms of Jesus.  Faith makes the difference.  A strong faith can make anyone strong.  Glad that we got in one last game of Shanghai with her.  Lisa I will miss YOU.  And I will try to remember to pray daily for your daughters as they figure out how to get through this life without you.  Praying that they will find the strong faith that you had.
Josh & Katie have 2 foster kids and I have been spending Mondays and Tuesday with them for about a month.  I can't write her the emotions that have been affecting me through this journey.  But all is not well in their (J & K) home.  Ayvah turned 3 on the 19th and Malachi will be 2 on Jan 1.  So far they have visited their mom every Saturday staying the night.  Ayvah acts out because she is old enough to know that her life is not normal.  And it takes me until Tuesday to settle in with her.  Malachi copies everything his sister does.  Needless to say many days are trying.  And it is not the kids that make the days trying.  As Josh's mom it is hard to see his faults in what is going on.  But as Tom often says "we don't know what goes on behind closed doors".  In my mind after 8 years of marriage Josh doesn't think that they will have children of their own and so he is exploring the options of possible adoptions through the foster system.  And Katie just wants her own flesh and blood baby.  I've already written more than I should have but not enough.
Leland is his bubbling personality.  His Christmas school program (3 year olds) was adorable.  When Leland is here Jeremy comes first, then Papa and lastly me.  Doesn't he know who takes care of his physical needs.  Oh, he does come to me when he is hurt.  He spent Tuesday night with us.  Such a good boy.  Slept soundly all night.
I haven't been sewing.  But I have been doing counted cross stitch.  Nothing that I'll finish just something to keep my hands busy.
TODAY I'm baking.  I made pumpkin muffins and bread last night.  I just took ginger bread out of the oven.  I'm hoping to make cranberry and blueberry muffins today.
Today is Christmas Eve.  MERRY CHRISTMAS.  Times are changing but Thank God, He is still in control.  I just need to live the life that He has called me to live.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

It must be time to blog.  I always thought that I would use this as a journal but I just can't seem to make myself create posts.
The last few months have been rough.  Mom had a stroke in September and her health appears to be quickly declining.  It is so hard to watch the changes happening in her health and mind.  She moved in to Presbyterian Manor.  I don't think that is a choice that she ever would have made on her own.  But she is safe and well cared for there.  The 3 sisters tried caring for her at home for almost 3 weeks and we were unable to properly care for her.
My sister-in-law Lisa is dying of cancer and will leave behind 3 daughters.  The youngest are 10 & 12 (I think that's right).  Hospice has already been called in to make life more comfortable for her. 
And with the death of our grandson in April it has been a tough emotional year.
I have to try to tell myself and remind myself that God is still in control.  God isn't going to change these situations BUT HE will make it so I can bear them.  That last sentence is negative Because I do believe in miracles and I believe in the grace of God.  But somehow in my heart I know that these situations are the way they are.  BUT prayer still helps.
On to positive stuff.  Oh, that's correct I'm almost always negative.  Tom and I started rearranging furniture last Friday so we could put up a Christmas Tree.  We should be finished by the New Year.  Wonder if that would be too late to put up a tree.  Just kidding.  It should only take another week to finish. 
I need to get up the tree so I can find my sewing room again and get back to sewing.
Tis the season to celebrate the birth of Christ my King.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

This is a new block of the month that I have started, Stitcher's Garden.  I have had a month to do this block and finally worked on it yesterday and finished this block this afternoon.  Applique is not in my comfort zone.  So I spent a whole month procrastinating.  This is made in my colors but I also have material to do light/bright blocks also.  This evening I need to prepare my background for tomorrow's class.
This is our Leland being Leland.  We were at Olive Garden and the stickers went on his neck instead of on the paper.  Always a great day when we have him. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I have been working on catching up with my BOM.  I think that I am working on 4 different BOM.  That doesn't even begin to count the unfinished BOM that I have begun over the years.  Where or where does the time go?
The rain has been good for my flowers.  I love this time of year and get excited over every plant that blooms.  I used some roundup in one of my beds yesterday to try to kill some bind weed.  Hopefully I didn't kill the flowers.
Here are a few flowers from around my yard.  Love the red Echinacea.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

I have waited too long to make this post.  On April 21, 2015 we lost our beloved Billy Ross Shepard.  He was born on March 4, 2015.  God graciously allowed us to have him for 7 weeks.  We will miss him forever and we will see him again when we reach our heavenly home.  My grief will never end and in this world I will never understand why God took him from us.  When I reach heaven the why won't matter and so I live and trust in the Love of God today.
Phillip reading one last book to Billy.

Taken after Billy's death.  The beginning of saying goodbye's.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Haven't sewn much this week.  I started working on an old Thimbleberry block of the month.  I must have bought the patterns in 2000.  I have the background material and the material for rows (not sashing) that will go between the rows of blocks.  Are you confused yet.  Anyway, the pattern is birdhouses and I have been buying a few pieces of material the last 2 months in Baldwin City to work on the monthly blocks.  The first block will be 20 inches square when I get it finished.  I'm hoping that I won't be disappointed when I'm finished with the blocks.  The background material is from a year that the quality of the material was lacking.  No weightiness to the background material, feels thin.
We went to Bill & Joyce's today and fed the fish across the road at the pond.  Leland was thrilled when he saw the first fish come up to feed.  Wonderful time to stand on the bank and throw fish food out in the pond.  Wish I had remembered to take pictures.
Tuesday nights are our $1 taco night out with Bill and Joyce.  Had a good visit.  We always do.
Yesterday Leland and I took Grammy shopping at Jerry's.  He wanted to ride the horse but I'm never sure if he enjoys the ride.  He rode the horse before we went into the store and didn't want to ride again when we came out.  Today Leland took 2 tomatoes off of the counter and ate them.  After he ate the first 1 I thought that I had moved them out of his reach.  But I was wrong.  When his parents picked him up this afternoon he went running to greet them.  Ran past his Mom to his Dad, poor Mom.
Tom is busy hatching eggs.  Need to take pictures to show why we are Shepard Flock Farm.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Well, here it is weeks since the last time I posted to the blog.
I'd hoped to make this into a diary.  But that hasn't happened, yet.
Today Tom & I went to see Billy.  The only other time that we saw him was when he was 1 day old and now he is 5 weeks old.  He was born March 4, 2015 fifteen weeks early.
The 2nd picture is about 1 week old and this is Billy's Momma holding him. 
Today he weighed 1lb 13oz and he is now 13 and 1/2 inches long.  His Momma calls him Mighty Billy.  I just pray grow Billy grow.  Billy is doing really good and we are all pleased with the progress that he is making.
And this is big brother have dinner with Nana & Papa a couple of weeks ago.
I have been doing some sewing and have a couple of tops done that I need to take photos of and post. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


 These are the January and February blocks of a block of the month called Taos.  The pattern called for 4 each of these blocks.  These were easy to make, next month I begin the difficult blocks.  The quilt will require "Y" seams.  I have only sewn "Y" seams in a couple of blocks.  Never in a whole quilt.  I am reaching out of my comfort zone with the colors and the skills required to sew this quilt.  I am purchasing this block of the month from a local shop in Baldwin City.
I told myself that I was going to learn how to blog this year.  Well, the last time I posted a blog was in January.  So much for working on this skill.
This little man takes up my quilting time on Saturdays and Sundays.  I wouldn't trade my time with him for anything in the world.  He will have a new brother by the end of June.  His life and ours will change with the new addition.  So excited.  Need to get started on a baby quilt for the new baby.  What shall I make?  That is the big question.

Friday, January 2, 2015

This is a new year and I hopefully am ready to post my thoughts on this blog.
My Kansas quilt is still being quilted and I am anxious to get it back.  Can't wait to get the binding on it and put it on my bed.
I have a quilt that I made for a grand niece that also need the binding put on it.  I have quality TV time to look forward to as I bind the 2 quilts.
Before Christmas I started a quilt for granddaughter that will be 18 this year.  She also graduates from high school this year.  Need to get busy and get that quilt done. 
My "problem" is that I start quilts and don't finish them.  I have so many quilts that are near completion.  This should be the year to finish projects.
"Sit & Sew" should resume on the 3rd Saturday of this month.  I don't have permission from the church session, yet.  I don't anticipate any problems getting their approval.  Gladys ask me last Sunday when we were going to start again.  So many things to look forward to doing.
Mom & I will go to Baldwin City on Saturday unless the weather is bad.  We will start this years block of the month.  I am also starting another quilt that will be a block of the month.  Bright colors.  I think that I am sewing quilts out of my comfort colors.
Tom and I are planning on going to Lawrence and Emporia today.  I know we live between those to cities.  But it should be a good afternoon to go for a ride.  It is cold outside and the drive would get us away from the house.