Saturday, December 26, 2015

Here I am again trying to figure out how to post pictures and comments.  Someplace in here I have 2 pictures that I couldn't add comments to.  Eventually I'll find them and delete them.
I had a great Christmas.  I had my doubts a few weeks ago.  I was suffering from a big funk that I didn't have the ability to get over.  Lots of prayer & lots of crying.  I think that my turning point came when I dragged the Christmas tree up from the basement on a Monday night.  The next day I was at Josh & Katie's and when I came home Tom had decorated the tree.  Thank you Tom. 
On Sunday before Christmas I contacted 3 sons to let them know that they were welcome to come to Christmas Eve service with us (Jeremy is the only one who went) and that after we got home that we would have our traditional Christmas time with them.  So thankful that all 4 sons were here.  Katie was missed by all.  Young Katy's boyfriend Bryan came & Danny was here also.  Lots of coffee was consumed.  And Leland spent special time with Uncles Jeremy & Josh playing in the living room. 
God made families and I am so thankful for mine.
If I can get them posted I have 2 pictures of gifts from Phill & JoAnn.  A Beautiful memory book of Billy.  And a picture of 1 of the 4 bricks that Phill & Leland made.  I never dreamed that Phill would become so creative.  Homemade gifts are the best.  (Note to self - today is the day to start for next year).

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