Thursday, December 24, 2015

Sister in law, Lisa died on December 16, 2015.  She will be missed by all.  Her memorial service was on Sunday the 20th and an overflow crowd of family and friends came to say goodbye.  So glad that she made a last trip to Burlingame to visit with our family a couple of weeks before her death.  Always her positive self she was dealing with her upcoming death.  A strong woman to the end who knew that she would be welcomed into the arms of Jesus.  Faith makes the difference.  A strong faith can make anyone strong.  Glad that we got in one last game of Shanghai with her.  Lisa I will miss YOU.  And I will try to remember to pray daily for your daughters as they figure out how to get through this life without you.  Praying that they will find the strong faith that you had.
Josh & Katie have 2 foster kids and I have been spending Mondays and Tuesday with them for about a month.  I can't write her the emotions that have been affecting me through this journey.  But all is not well in their (J & K) home.  Ayvah turned 3 on the 19th and Malachi will be 2 on Jan 1.  So far they have visited their mom every Saturday staying the night.  Ayvah acts out because she is old enough to know that her life is not normal.  And it takes me until Tuesday to settle in with her.  Malachi copies everything his sister does.  Needless to say many days are trying.  And it is not the kids that make the days trying.  As Josh's mom it is hard to see his faults in what is going on.  But as Tom often says "we don't know what goes on behind closed doors".  In my mind after 8 years of marriage Josh doesn't think that they will have children of their own and so he is exploring the options of possible adoptions through the foster system.  And Katie just wants her own flesh and blood baby.  I've already written more than I should have but not enough.
Leland is his bubbling personality.  His Christmas school program (3 year olds) was adorable.  When Leland is here Jeremy comes first, then Papa and lastly me.  Doesn't he know who takes care of his physical needs.  Oh, he does come to me when he is hurt.  He spent Tuesday night with us.  Such a good boy.  Slept soundly all night.
I haven't been sewing.  But I have been doing counted cross stitch.  Nothing that I'll finish just something to keep my hands busy.
TODAY I'm baking.  I made pumpkin muffins and bread last night.  I just took ginger bread out of the oven.  I'm hoping to make cranberry and blueberry muffins today.
Today is Christmas Eve.  MERRY CHRISTMAS.  Times are changing but Thank God, He is still in control.  I just need to live the life that He has called me to live.

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