Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Well, here it is weeks since the last time I posted to the blog.
I'd hoped to make this into a diary.  But that hasn't happened, yet.
Today Tom & I went to see Billy.  The only other time that we saw him was when he was 1 day old and now he is 5 weeks old.  He was born March 4, 2015 fifteen weeks early.
The 2nd picture is about 1 week old and this is Billy's Momma holding him. 
Today he weighed 1lb 13oz and he is now 13 and 1/2 inches long.  His Momma calls him Mighty Billy.  I just pray grow Billy grow.  Billy is doing really good and we are all pleased with the progress that he is making.
And this is big brother have dinner with Nana & Papa a couple of weeks ago.
I have been doing some sewing and have a couple of tops done that I need to take photos of and post. 

1 comment:

  1. I always check & glad you finally wrote. If I ever do a blog mine will be a diary, too. I am so glad Billy is finally gaining weight.
