Tuesday, December 1, 2015

It must be time to blog.  I always thought that I would use this as a journal but I just can't seem to make myself create posts.
The last few months have been rough.  Mom had a stroke in September and her health appears to be quickly declining.  It is so hard to watch the changes happening in her health and mind.  She moved in to Presbyterian Manor.  I don't think that is a choice that she ever would have made on her own.  But she is safe and well cared for there.  The 3 sisters tried caring for her at home for almost 3 weeks and we were unable to properly care for her.
My sister-in-law Lisa is dying of cancer and will leave behind 3 daughters.  The youngest are 10 & 12 (I think that's right).  Hospice has already been called in to make life more comfortable for her. 
And with the death of our grandson in April it has been a tough emotional year.
I have to try to tell myself and remind myself that God is still in control.  God isn't going to change these situations BUT HE will make it so I can bear them.  That last sentence is negative Because I do believe in miracles and I believe in the grace of God.  But somehow in my heart I know that these situations are the way they are.  BUT prayer still helps.
On to positive stuff.  Oh, that's correct I'm almost always negative.  Tom and I started rearranging furniture last Friday so we could put up a Christmas Tree.  We should be finished by the New Year.  Wonder if that would be too late to put up a tree.  Just kidding.  It should only take another week to finish. 
I need to get up the tree so I can find my sewing room again and get back to sewing.
Tis the season to celebrate the birth of Christ my King.

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