Friday, September 2, 2022

Time to start using this blog.  It is a good way for me to have a history of what's going on.

In a few days September 12th Tom and I will celebrate our 50th anniversary.  UNBELIEVABLE!  What a great privilege that I've had sharing my life with him.

I usually spend about 3 hours a day piecing quilts. I haven't used my quilting machine in 3 years, shame on me.  I'm afraid of my cussing machine (Tom calls my machine by this name).

This would be a good place for me to document my quilt tops.  So I'll start with this one.

I bought this pattern when we first moved to Kansas from a quilt store in Manhattan Kansas.  Mom was with me that day.  I miss having Mom to share my quilts with.  Julie and I do share the quilting passion.  This picture was taken at a quilt guild show and tell.

Well enough for today.  cathy

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