Wednesday, September 7, 2022

 No pictures today.  As stated earlier Tom & I celebrate our 50th anniversary on the 12th of September.  Our sons have decided that we need to celebrate so they are planning a dinner at our house on this Friday.  So guess what I'm cleaning house. 😫😫.  I don't clean house.  I'd rather be sewing.  So far I've mostly cleaned the dining room and entry way.  With Jeremy's help I transplanted a couple house plants and added dirt to the others.  It is 1pm & I'm probably done for the day.

The sons are planning on making Herring Taco's.  Good food.  Lot's of work.  

God Bless my sons and their wives.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Time to start using this blog.  It is a good way for me to have a history of what's going on.

In a few days September 12th Tom and I will celebrate our 50th anniversary.  UNBELIEVABLE!  What a great privilege that I've had sharing my life with him.

I usually spend about 3 hours a day piecing quilts. I haven't used my quilting machine in 3 years, shame on me.  I'm afraid of my cussing machine (Tom calls my machine by this name).

This would be a good place for me to document my quilt tops.  So I'll start with this one.

I bought this pattern when we first moved to Kansas from a quilt store in Manhattan Kansas.  Mom was with me that day.  I miss having Mom to share my quilts with.  Julie and I do share the quilting passion.  This picture was taken at a quilt guild show and tell.

Well enough for today.  cathy