Monday, September 18, 2017

This is the only time Leland would let me take his picture on Saturday, September 16, 2017 at the state fair in Hutchinson, KS.  This woman was allowing people to come up and pet her goat.  Leland is growing up so quickly.  Maybe Leland will want to join 4H and show goats.  We had watch goats being judged and his favorite was a black and white goat.
On the way to the fair I asked Leland what he was hoping to see.  Papa and I had already told him that there would be farm animals.  Leland told me that he wanted to see a turtle.  Of course I told him that turtles are not farm animals and that he probably wouldn't see a turtle.  The first thing that we stop to look at was the petting tent.  Low and behold the first pen held a Turtle and a kangaroo.  Wow.
We walked through the poultry, rabbit, cow, etc barns.  Ate good junk fair food.  Cotton Candy comes in a bag not on a stick.  Who knew certainly not me.
We had met Josh, Kate, Ayvah and Malachi for breakfast in Emporia and we all had a good visit at the fair.  After 4 hours I was done and we left.  Josh and his family stayed a couple more hours.
Leland taught us a knew song on the way home.  "When we all work together".  It was a song that he had learned several weeks ago at church.  We don't take him to church often enough and I was extremely impressed that he knew all the words to the song.  He likes to sing.
Life is passing by too quickly.  I need to figure out how to grab hold of what it important and let go of the things that don't matter.
Lord, forgive for when I make mistakes and help me to remember that your LOVE can carry me through every day.  cathy