Wednesday, February 18, 2015


 These are the January and February blocks of a block of the month called Taos.  The pattern called for 4 each of these blocks.  These were easy to make, next month I begin the difficult blocks.  The quilt will require "Y" seams.  I have only sewn "Y" seams in a couple of blocks.  Never in a whole quilt.  I am reaching out of my comfort zone with the colors and the skills required to sew this quilt.  I am purchasing this block of the month from a local shop in Baldwin City.
I told myself that I was going to learn how to blog this year.  Well, the last time I posted a blog was in January.  So much for working on this skill.
This little man takes up my quilting time on Saturdays and Sundays.  I wouldn't trade my time with him for anything in the world.  He will have a new brother by the end of June.  His life and ours will change with the new addition.  So excited.  Need to get started on a baby quilt for the new baby.  What shall I make?  That is the big question.