Monday, October 27, 2014

Really great weekend around the farm.  Tom & I spent the day at the Mother Earth News Fair at the Topeka Expo on Saturday.  My sister and her husband joined us for the morning - but they were out of there after a couple of hours.  We meet them for lunch at Carlos O'Kellys and then we went back to the fair.  Tom & I bought several new gadgets or tools.  His were tools for the garden, mine were for the kitchen.  We will see which we get the most use out of.
My brother from Yuma was here this weekend also.  He had been in MO working on his house.  So thankful that Bill & Joyce hosted dinner on Saturday & Sunday.  Good tacos on Saturday and Pizza Hut on Sunday.  Both nights we were able to get in a couple games of cards.  I'm always ready to play Shanghai.
We had Leland on Sunday.  We are so Blessed to be able to keep our youngest grandson on a weekly basis.  After church we had lunch at the Auburn yearly community thank you dinner. 
No sewing this weekend.  Hopefully I will post a picture of a finished quilt top in the next couple of days.  I would like to finish the top and back this week and get it Kathy at Great Plains Quilt store by the end of the week.  I am afraid that this goal is hopeful thinking  But you never know I might get it done.